Source code for pylorax.api.v1

# Copyright (C) 2019  Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
""" Setup v1 of the API server

import logging
log = logging.getLogger("lorax-composer")

from flask import jsonify, request
from flask import current_app as api

from pylorax.api.checkparams import checkparams
from pylorax.api.flask_blueprint import BlueprintSkip
from pylorax.api.projects import get_repo_sources, new_repo_source, repo_to_source
from pylorax.api.regexes import VALID_API_STRING
import pylorax.api.toml as toml

# Create the v1 routes Blueprint with skip_routes support
v1_api = BlueprintSkip("v1_routes", __name__)

[docs]@v1_api.route("/projects/source/info", defaults={'source_ids': ""}) @v1_api.route("/projects/source/info/<source_ids>") @checkparams([("source_ids", "", "no source names given")]) def v1_projects_source_info(source_ids): """Return detailed info about the list of sources **/api/v1/projects/source/info/<source-ids>** Return information about the comma-separated list of source ids. Or all of the sources if '*' is passed. Note that general globbing is not supported, only '*'. Immutable system sources will have the "system" field set to true. User added sources will have it set to false. System sources cannot be changed or deleted. Example:: { "errors": [], "sources": { "fedora": { "check_gpg": true, "check_ssl": true, "gpgkey_urls": [ "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-28-x86_64" ], "id": "fedora", "name": "Fedora $releasever - $basearch", "proxy": "", "system": true, "type": "yum-metalink", "url": "" } } } In v0 the ``name`` field was used for the id (a short name for the repo). In v1 ``name`` changed to ``id`` and ``name`` is now used for the longer descriptive name of the repository. """ if VALID_API_STRING.match(source_ids) is None: return jsonify(status=False, errors=[{"id": INVALID_CHARS, "msg": "Invalid characters in API path"}]), 400 out_fmt = request.args.get("format", "json") if VALID_API_STRING.match(out_fmt) is None: return jsonify(status=False, errors=[{"id": INVALID_CHARS, "msg": "Invalid characters in format argument"}]), 400 # Return info on all of the sources if source_ids == "*": with api.config["DNFLOCK"].lock: source_ids = ",".join( for r in api.config["DNFLOCK"].dbo.repos.iter_enabled()) sources = {} errors = [] system_sources = get_repo_sources("/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo") for source in source_ids.split(","): with api.config["DNFLOCK"].lock: repo = api.config["DNFLOCK"].dbo.repos.get(source, None) if not repo: errors.append({"id": UNKNOWN_SOURCE, "msg": "%s is not a valid source" % source}) continue sources[] = repo_to_source(repo, in system_sources, api=1) if out_fmt == "toml" and not errors: # With TOML output we just want to dump the raw sources, skipping the errors return toml.dumps(sources) elif out_fmt == "toml" and errors: # TOML requested, but there was an error return jsonify(status=False, errors=errors), 400 else: return jsonify(sources=sources, errors=errors)
[docs]@v1_api.route("/projects/source/new", methods=["POST"]) def v1_projects_source_new(): """Add a new package source. Or change an existing one **POST /api/v0/projects/source/new** Add (or change) a source for use when depsolving blueprints and composing images. The ``proxy`` and ``gpgkey_urls`` entries are optional. All of the others are required. The supported types for the urls are: * ``yum-baseurl`` is a URL to a yum repository. * ``yum-mirrorlist`` is a URL for a mirrorlist. * ``yum-metalink`` is a URL for a metalink. If ``check_ssl`` is true the https certificates must be valid. If they are self-signed you can either set this to false, or add your Certificate Authority to the host system. If ``check_gpg`` is true the GPG key must either be installed on the host system, or ``gpgkey_urls`` should point to it. You can edit an existing source (other than system sources), by doing a POST of the new version of the source. It will overwrite the previous one. Example:: { "id": "custom-source-1", "name": "Custom Package Source #1", "url": "https://url/path/to/repository/", "type": "yum-baseurl", "check_ssl": true, "check_gpg": true, "gpgkey_urls": [ "https://url/path/to/gpg-key" ] } In v0 the ``name`` field was used for the id (a short name for the repo). In v1 ``name`` changed to ``id`` and ``name`` is now used for the longer descriptive name of the repository. """ if request.headers['Content-Type'] == "text/x-toml": source = toml.loads( else: source = request.get_json(cache=False) # Check for id in source, return error if not if "id" not in source: return jsonify(status=False, errors=[{"id": UNKNOWN_SOURCE, "msg": "'id' field is missing from API v1 request."}]), 400 system_sources = get_repo_sources("/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo") if source["id"] in system_sources: return jsonify(status=False, errors=[{"id": SYSTEM_SOURCE, "msg": "%s is a system source, it cannot be changed." % source["id"]}]), 400 try: # Remove it from the RepoDict (NOTE that this isn't explicitly supported by the DNF API) with api.config["DNFLOCK"].lock: repo_dir = api.config["COMPOSER_CFG"].get("composer", "repo_dir") new_repo_source(api.config["DNFLOCK"].dbo, source["id"], source, repo_dir) except Exception as e: return jsonify(status=False, errors=[{"id": PROJECTS_ERROR, "msg": str(e)}]), 400 return jsonify(status=True)