Source code for pylorax.creator

# Copyright (C) 2011-2018  Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("pylorax")

import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shutil
import hashlib
import glob

# Use Mako templates for appliance builder descriptions
from mako.template import Template
from mako.exceptions import text_error_template

# Use pykickstart to calculate disk image size
from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
from pykickstart.constants import KS_SHUTDOWN
from pykickstart.version import makeVersion

# Use the Lorax treebuilder branch for iso creation
from pylorax import DEFAULT_RELEASEVER, ArchData
from pylorax.base import DataHolder
from pylorax.executils import execWithRedirect
from pylorax.imgutils import DracutChroot, PartitionMount
from pylorax.imgutils import mount, umount, Mount
from pylorax.imgutils import mksquashfs, mkrootfsimg
from pylorax.imgutils import copytree
from pylorax.installer import novirt_install, virt_install, InstallError
from pylorax.treebuilder import TreeBuilder, RuntimeBuilder
from pylorax.treebuilder import findkernels
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths, remove

# Default parameters for rebuilding initramfs, override with --dracut-arg or --dracut-conf
DRACUT_DEFAULT = ["--xz", "--add", "livenet dmsquash-live dmsquash-live-ntfs convertfs pollcdrom qemu qemu-net",
                  "--no-hostonly", "--debug", "--no-early-microcode"]

RUNTIME = "images/install.img"

[docs] class FakeDNF(object): """ A minimal DNF object suitable for passing to RuntimeBuilder lmc uses RuntimeBuilder to run the arch specific iso creation templates, so the the installroot config value is the important part of this. Everything else should be a nop. """ def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def get_config(self): return self.conf
[docs] def is_image_mounted(disk_img): """ Check to see if the disk_img is mounted :returns: True if disk_img is in /proc/mounts :rtype: bool """ with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts: for mnt in mounts: fields = mnt.split() if len(fields) > 2 and fields[1] == disk_img: return True return False
[docs] def find_ostree_root(phys_root): """ Find root of ostree deployment :param str phys_root: Path to physical root :returns: Relative path of ostree deployment root :rtype: str :raise Exception: More than one deployment roots were found """ ostree_root = "" ostree_sysroots = glob.glob(joinpaths(phys_root, "ostree/boot.?/*/*/0")) log.debug("ostree_sysroots = %s", ostree_sysroots) if ostree_sysroots: if len(ostree_sysroots) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Too many deployment roots found: %s" % ostree_sysroots) ostree_root = os.path.relpath(ostree_sysroots[0], phys_root) return ostree_root
[docs] def get_arch(mount_dir): """ Get the kernel arch :returns: Arch of first kernel found at mount_dir/boot/ or i386 :rtype: str """ kernels = findkernels(mount_dir) if not kernels: return "i386" return kernels[0].arch
[docs] def squashfs_args(opts): """ Returns the compression type and args to use when making squashfs :param opts: ArgumentParser object with compression and compressopts :returns: tuple of compression type and args :rtype: tuple """ compression = opts.compression or "xz" arch = ArchData(opts.arch or os.uname().machine) if compression == "xz" and arch.bcj and not opts.compress_args: # default to bcj when using xz compressargs = ["-Xbcj", arch.bcj] elif opts.compress_args: compressargs = [] for arg in opts.compress_args: compressargs += arg.split(" ", 1) else: compressargs = [] return (compression, compressargs)
[docs] def dracut_args(opts): """Return a list of the args to pass to dracut Return the default argument list unless one of the dracut cmdline arguments has been used. """ if opts.dracut_conf: return ["--conf", opts.dracut_conf] elif opts.dracut_args: args = [] for arg in opts.dracut_args: args += arg.split(" ", 1) return args else: return DRACUT_DEFAULT
[docs] def make_appliance(disk_img, name, template, outfile, networks=None, ram=1024, vcpus=1, arch=None, title="Linux", project="Linux", releasever=DEFAULT_RELEASEVER): """ Generate an appliance description file :param str disk_img: Full path of the disk image :param str name: Name of the appliance, passed to the template :param str template: Full path of Mako template :param str outfile: Full path of file to write, using template :param list networks: List of networks(str) from the kickstart :param int ram: Ram, in MiB, passed to template. Default is 1024 :param int vcpus: CPUs, passed to template. Default is 1 :param str arch: CPU architecture. Default is 'x86_64' :param str title: Title, passed to template. Default is 'Linux' :param str project: Project, passed to template. Default is 'Linux' :param str releasever: Release version, passed to template. """ if not (disk_img and template and outfile): return None"Creating appliance definition using %s", template) if not arch: arch = "x86_64""Calculating SHA256 checksum of %s", disk_img) sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(disk_img, "rb") as f: while True: data =**2) if not data: break sha256.update(data)"SHA256 of %s is %s", disk_img, sha256.hexdigest()) disk_info = DataHolder(name=os.path.basename(disk_img), format="raw", checksum_type="sha256", checksum=sha256.hexdigest()) try: result = Template(filename=template).render(disks=[disk_info], name=name, arch=arch, memory=ram, vcpus=vcpus, networks=networks, title=title, project=project, releasever=releasever) except Exception: log.error(text_error_template().render()) raise with open(outfile, "w") as f: f.write(result)
[docs] def make_runtime(opts, mount_dir, work_dir, size=None): """ Make the squashfs image from a directory :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str mount_dir: Directory tree to compress :param str work_dir: Output compressed image to work_dir+images/install.img :param int size: Size of disk image, in GiB :returns: rc of squashfs creation :rtype: int """ kernel_arch = get_arch(mount_dir) # Fake arch with only basearch set arch = ArchData(kernel_arch) product = DataHolder(name=opts.project, version=opts.releasever, release=opts.release, variant=opts.variant, bugurl=opts.bugurl, isfinal=opts.isfinal) rb = RuntimeBuilder(product, arch, skip_branding=True, root=mount_dir) compression, compressargs = squashfs_args(opts) if opts.squashfs_only:"Creating a squashfs only runtime") return rb.create_squashfs_runtime(joinpaths(work_dir, RUNTIME), size=size, compression=compression, compressargs=compressargs) else:"Creating a squashfs+ext4 runtime") return rb.create_ext4_runtime(joinpaths(work_dir, RUNTIME), size=size, compression=compression, compressargs=compressargs)
[docs] def rebuild_initrds_for_live(opts, sys_root_dir, results_dir): """ Rebuild intrds for pxe live image (root=live:http://) :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str sys_root_dir: Path to root of the system :param str results_dir: Path of directory for storing results """ # cmdline dracut args override the defaults, but need to be parsed"dracut args = %s", dracut_args(opts)) args = ["--nomdadmconf", "--nolvmconf"] + dracut_args(opts) kdir = "boot" if opts.ostree: kernels_dir = glob.glob(joinpaths(sys_root_dir, "boot/ostree/*")) if kernels_dir: kdir = os.path.relpath(kernels_dir[0], sys_root_dir) kernels = [kernel for kernel in findkernels(sys_root_dir, kdir)] if not kernels: raise RuntimeError("No initrds found, cannot rebuild_initrds") if opts.ostree: # Dracut assumes to have some dirs in disk image # /var/tmp for temp files vartmp_dir = joinpaths(sys_root_dir, "var/tmp") if not os.path.isdir(vartmp_dir): os.mkdir(vartmp_dir) # /root (maybe not fatal) root_dir = joinpaths(sys_root_dir, "var/roothome") if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): os.mkdir(root_dir) # /tmp (maybe not fatal) tmp_dir = joinpaths(sys_root_dir, "sysroot/tmp") if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) # Write the new initramfs directly to the results directory os.mkdir(joinpaths(sys_root_dir, "results")) with DracutChroot(sys_root_dir, bind=[(results_dir, "/results")]) as dracut: for kernel in kernels: if hasattr(kernel, "initrd"): outfile = os.path.basename(kernel.initrd.path) else: # Construct an initrd from the kernel name outfile = os.path.basename(kernel.path.replace("vmlinuz-", "initrd-") + ".img")"rebuilding %s", outfile) kver = kernel.version dracut.Run(args + ["/results/"+outfile, kver]) shutil.copy2(joinpaths(sys_root_dir, kernel.path), results_dir)
[docs] def create_pxe_config(template, images_dir, live_image_name, add_args = None): """ Create template for pxe to live configuration :param str images_dir: Path of directory with images to be used :param str live_image_name: Name of live rootfs image file :param list add_args: Arguments to be added to initrd= pxe config """ add_args = add_args or [] kernels = [kernel for kernel in findkernels(images_dir, kdir="") if hasattr(kernel, "initrd")] if not kernels: return kernel = kernels[0] add_args_str = " ".join(add_args) try: result = Template(filename=template).render(kernel=kernel.path, initrd=kernel.initrd.path, liveimg=live_image_name, addargs=add_args_str) except Exception: log.error(text_error_template().render()) raise with open (joinpaths(images_dir, "PXE_CONFIG"), "w") as f: f.write(result)
[docs] def make_livecd(opts, mount_dir, work_dir): """ Take the content from the disk image and make a livecd out of it :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str mount_dir: Directory tree to compress :param str work_dir: Output compressed image to work_dir+images/install.img This uses wwood's squashfs live initramfs method: * put the real / into LiveOS/rootfs.img * make a squashfs of the LiveOS/rootfs.img tree * This is loaded by dracut when the cmdline is passed to the kernel: root=live:CDLABEL=<volid> """ kernel_arch = get_arch(mount_dir) arch = ArchData(kernel_arch) product = DataHolder(name=opts.project, version=opts.releasever, release=opts.release, variant=opts.variant, bugurl=opts.bugurl, isfinal=opts.isfinal) # Link /images to work_dir/images to make the templates happy if os.path.islink(joinpaths(mount_dir, "images")): os.unlink(joinpaths(mount_dir, "images")) rc = execWithRedirect("/bin/ln", ["-s", joinpaths(work_dir, "images"), joinpaths(mount_dir, "images")]) if rc: raise RuntimeError("Failed to symlink images from mount_dir to work_dir") # The templates expect the config files to be in /tmp/config_files # I think these should be release specific, not from lorax, but for now configdir = joinpaths(opts.lorax_templates,"live/config_files/") configdir_path = "tmp/config_files" fullpath = joinpaths(mount_dir, configdir_path) if os.path.exists(fullpath): remove(fullpath) copytree(configdir, fullpath) isolabel = opts.volid or "{}-{0.version}-{1.basearch}".format(product, arch) if len(isolabel) > 32: isolabel = isolabel[:32] log.warning("Truncating isolabel to 32 chars: %s", isolabel) tb = TreeBuilder(product=product, arch=arch, domacboot=opts.domacboot, inroot=mount_dir, outroot=work_dir, runtime=RUNTIME, isolabel=isolabel, templatedir=joinpaths(opts.lorax_templates,"live/"), extra_boot_args=opts.extra_boot_args)"Rebuilding initrds")"dracut args = %s", dracut_args(opts)) tb.rebuild_initrds(add_args=dracut_args(opts))"Building boot.iso") return work_dir
[docs] def mount_boot_part_over_root(img_mount): """ Mount boot partition to /boot of root fs mounted in img_mount Used for OSTree so it finds deployment configurations on live rootfs param img_mount: object with mounted disk image root partition type img_mount: imgutils.PartitionMount """ root_dir = img_mount.mount_dir is_boot_part = lambda dir: os.path.exists(dir+"/loader.0") tmp_mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-tmpdir-") sysroot_boot_dir = None for dev, _size in img_mount.loop_devices: if dev is img_mount.mount_dev: continue try: mount("/dev/mapper/"+dev, mnt=tmp_mount_dir) if is_boot_part(tmp_mount_dir): umount(tmp_mount_dir) sysroot_boot_dir = joinpaths(root_dir, "boot") mount("/dev/mapper/"+dev, mnt=sysroot_boot_dir) break else: umount(tmp_mount_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.debug("Looking for boot partition error: %s", e) remove(tmp_mount_dir) return sysroot_boot_dir
[docs] def calculate_disk_size(opts, ks): """ Calculate the disk size from the kickstart :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str ks: Path to the kickstart to use for the installation :returns: Disk size in MiB :rtype: int Also takes into account the use of reqpart or reqpart --add-boot """ # Disk size for a filesystem image should only be the size of / # to prevent surprises when using the same kickstart for different installations. unique_partitions = dict((p.mountpoint, p) for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions) if opts.no_virt and (opts.make_iso or opts.make_fsimage): disk_size = 2 + sum(p.size for p in unique_partitions.values() if p.mountpoint == "/") if disk_size == 2: raise RuntimeError("No / partition in the kickstart. Unable to calculate required disk size.") else: disk_size = 2 + sum(p.size for p in unique_partitions.values()) if disk_size == 2: raise RuntimeError("No partitions in the kickstart. Unable to calculate required disk size.") # reqpart can add 1M, 2M, 200M based on platform. Add 500M to be sure if ks.handler.reqpart.seen:"Adding 500M for reqpart") disk_size += 500 # It can also request adding /boot which is 1G if ks.handler.reqpart.addBoot:"Adding 1024M for reqpart --addboot") disk_size += 1024 if opts.image_size_align: disk_size += opts.image_size_align - (disk_size % opts.image_size_align)"Using disk size of %sMiB", disk_size) return disk_size
[docs] def make_image(opts, ks, cancel_func=None): """ Install to a disk image :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str ks: Path to the kickstart to use for the installation :param cancel_func: Function that returns True to cancel build :type cancel_func: function :returns: Path of the image created :rtype: str Use qemu+boot.iso or anaconda to install to a disk image. """ # For make_tar_disk, opts.image_name is the name of the final tarball. # Use opts.tar_disk_name as the name of the disk image if opts.make_tar_disk: disk_img = joinpaths(opts.result_dir, opts.tar_disk_name) elif opts.image_name: disk_img = joinpaths(opts.result_dir, opts.image_name) else: disk_img = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-disk-", suffix=".img", dir=opts.result_dir)"disk_img = %s", disk_img) disk_size = calculate_disk_size(opts, ks) # For make_tar_disk, pass a second path parameter for the final tarball # not the final output file. if opts.make_tar_disk: tar_img = joinpaths(opts.result_dir, opts.image_name) else: tar_img = None try: if opts.no_virt: novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, cancel_func=cancel_func, tar_img=tar_img) else: install_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))+"/virt-install.log""install_log = %s", install_log) virt_install(opts, install_log, disk_img, disk_size, cancel_func=cancel_func, tar_img=tar_img) except InstallError as e: log.error("Install failed: %s", e) if not opts.keep_image: if os.path.exists(disk_img):"Removing bad disk image") os.unlink(disk_img) if tar_img and os.path.exists(tar_img):"Removing bad tar file") os.unlink(tar_img) raise"Disk Image install successful") if opts.make_tar_disk: return tar_img return disk_img
[docs] def make_live_images(opts, work_dir, disk_img): """ Create live images from direcory or rootfs image :param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator :type opts: argparse options :param str work_dir: Directory for storing results :param str disk_img: Path to disk image (fsimage or partitioned) :returns: Path of directory with created images or None :rtype: str fsck.ext4 is run on the rootfs_image to make sure there are no errors and to zero out any deleted blocks to make it compress better. If this fails for any reason it will return None and log the error. """ sys_root = "" squashfs_root_dir = joinpaths(work_dir, "squashfs_root") liveos_dir = joinpaths(squashfs_root_dir, "LiveOS") os.makedirs(liveos_dir) rootfs_img = joinpaths(liveos_dir, "rootfs.img") if opts.fs_image or opts.no_virt: # Find the ostree root in the fsimage if opts.ostree: with Mount(disk_img, opts="loop") as mnt_dir: sys_root = find_ostree_root(mnt_dir) # Try to hardlink the image, if that fails, copy it rc = execWithRedirect("/bin/ln", [disk_img, rootfs_img]) if rc != 0: shutil.copy2(disk_img, rootfs_img) else: is_root_part = None if opts.ostree: is_root_part = lambda dir: os.path.exists(dir+"/ostree/deploy") with PartitionMount(disk_img, mount_ok=is_root_part) as img_mount: if img_mount and img_mount.mount_dir: mounted_sysroot_boot_dir = None try: if opts.ostree: sys_root = find_ostree_root(img_mount.mount_dir) mounted_sysroot_boot_dir = mount_boot_part_over_root(img_mount) if opts.live_rootfs_keep_size: size = img_mount.mount_size / 1024**3 else: size = opts.live_rootfs_size or None"Creating live rootfs image") mkrootfsimg(img_mount.mount_dir, rootfs_img, "LiveOS", size=size, sysroot=sys_root) finally: if mounted_sysroot_boot_dir: umount(mounted_sysroot_boot_dir) log.debug("sys_root = %s", sys_root) # Make sure free blocks are actually zeroed so it will compress rc = execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/fsck.ext4", ["-y", "-f", "-E", "discard", rootfs_img]) if rc != 0: log.error("Problem zeroing free blocks of %s", disk_img) return None"Packing live rootfs image") add_pxe_args = [] live_image_name = "live-rootfs.squashfs.img" compression, compressargs = squashfs_args(opts) rc = mksquashfs(squashfs_root_dir, joinpaths(work_dir, live_image_name), compression, compressargs) if rc != 0: log.error("mksquashfs failed to create %s", live_image_name) return None"Rebuilding initramfs for live") with Mount(rootfs_img, opts="loop") as mnt_dir: try: mount(joinpaths(mnt_dir, "boot"), opts="bind", mnt=joinpaths(mnt_dir, sys_root, "boot")) rebuild_initrds_for_live(opts, joinpaths(mnt_dir, sys_root), work_dir) finally: umount(joinpaths(mnt_dir, sys_root, "boot"), delete=False) remove(squashfs_root_dir) if opts.ostree: add_pxe_args.append("ostree=/%s" % sys_root) template = joinpaths(opts.lorax_templates, "pxe-live/pxe-config.tmpl") create_pxe_config(template, work_dir, live_image_name, add_pxe_args) return work_dir
[docs] def check_kickstart(ks, opts): """Check the parsed kickstart object for errors :param ks: Parsed Kickstart object :type ks: pykickstart.parser.KickstartParser :param opts: Commandline options to control the process :type opts: Either a DataHolder or ArgumentParser :returns: List of error strings or empty list :rtype: list """ errors = [] if opts.no_virt and ks.handler.method.method not in ("url", "nfs") \ and not ks.handler.ostreesetup.seen: errors.append("Only url, nfs and ostreesetup install methods are currently supported." "Please fix your kickstart file." ) if ks.handler.repo.seen and ks.handler.method.method != "url": errors.append("repo can only be used with the url install method. Add url to your " "kickstart file.") # file: url does not need networking # other url and nfs sources do need networking if not if ks.handler.method.method == "nfs" or \ (ks.handler.method.method == "url" and not ks.handler.method.url.startswith("file:")): errors.append("The kickstart must activate networking if " "the url or nfs install method is used.") if ks.handler.displaymode.displayMode is not None: errors.append("The kickstart must not set a display mode (text, cmdline, " "graphical), this will interfere with livemedia-creator.") if opts.make_fsimage or (opts.make_pxe_live and opts.no_virt): # Make sure the kickstart isn't using autopart and only has a / mountpoint part_ok = not any(p for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions if p.mountpoint not in ["/", "swap"]) if not part_ok or ks.handler.autopart.seen: errors.append("Filesystem images must use a single / part, not autopart or " "multiple partitions. swap is allowed but not used.") if not opts.no_virt and ks.handler.reboot.action != KS_SHUTDOWN: errors.append("The kickstart must include shutdown when using virt installation.") return errors
[docs] def run_creator(opts, cancel_func=None): """Run the image creator process :param opts: Commandline options to control the process :type opts: Either a DataHolder or ArgumentParser :param cancel_func: Function that returns True to cancel build :type cancel_func: function :returns: The result directory and the disk image path. :rtype: Tuple of str This function takes the opts arguments and creates the selected output image. See the cmdline --help for livemedia-creator for the possible options (Yes, this is not ideal, but we can fix that later) """ result_dir = None # Parse the kickstart if opts.ks: ks_version = makeVersion() ks = KickstartParser(ks_version, errorsAreFatal=False, missingIncludeIsFatal=False) ks.readKickstart(opts.ks[0]) # live iso usually needs dracut-live so warn the user if it is missing if opts.ks and opts.make_iso: if "dracut-live" not in ks.handler.packages.packageList: log.error("dracut-live package is missing from the kickstart.") raise RuntimeError("dracut-live package is missing from the kickstart.") # Make the disk or filesystem image if not opts.disk_image and not opts.fs_image: if not opts.ks: raise RuntimeError("Image creation requires a kickstart file") # Check the kickstart for problems errors = check_kickstart(ks, opts) if errors: list(log.error(e) for e in errors) raise RuntimeError("\n".join(errors)) # Make the image. Output of this is either a partitioned disk image or a fsimage try: disk_img = make_image(opts, ks, cancel_func=cancel_func) except InstallError as e: log.error("ERROR: Image creation failed: %s", e) raise RuntimeError("Image creation failed: %s" % e) if opts.image_only: return (result_dir, disk_img) if opts.make_iso: work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-work-")"working dir is %s", work_dir) if (opts.fs_image or opts.no_virt) and not opts.disk_image: # Create iso from a filesystem image disk_img = opts.fs_image or disk_img with Mount(disk_img, opts="loop") as mount_dir: rc = make_runtime(opts, mount_dir, work_dir, calculate_disk_size(opts, ks)/1024.0) if rc != 0: log.error("make_runtime failed with rc = %d. See program.log", rc) raise RuntimeError("make_runtime failed with rc = %d" % rc) if cancel_func and cancel_func(): raise RuntimeError("ISO creation canceled") result_dir = make_livecd(opts, mount_dir, work_dir) else: # Create iso from a partitioned disk image disk_img = opts.disk_image or disk_img with PartitionMount(disk_img) as img_mount: if img_mount and img_mount.mount_dir: rc = make_runtime(opts, img_mount.mount_dir, work_dir, calculate_disk_size(opts, ks)/1024.0) if rc != 0: log.error("make_runtime failed with rc = %d. See program.log", rc) raise RuntimeError("make_runtime failed with rc = %d" % rc) result_dir = make_livecd(opts, img_mount.mount_dir, work_dir) # --iso-only removes the extra build artifacts, keeping only the boot.iso if opts.iso_only and result_dir: boot_iso = joinpaths(result_dir, "images/boot.iso") if not os.path.exists(boot_iso): log.error("%s is missing, skipping --iso-only.", boot_iso) else: iso_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-result-") dest_file = joinpaths(iso_dir, opts.iso_name or "boot.iso") shutil.move(boot_iso, dest_file) shutil.rmtree(result_dir) result_dir = iso_dir # cleanup the mess # cleanup work_dir? if disk_img and not (opts.keep_image or opts.disk_image or opts.fs_image): os.unlink(disk_img)"Disk image erased") disk_img = None elif opts.make_appliance: if not opts.ks: networks = [] else: networks = make_appliance(opts.disk_image or disk_img, opts.app_name, opts.app_template, opts.app_file, networks, opts.ram, opts.vcpus or 1, opts.arch, opts.title, opts.project, opts.releasever) elif opts.make_pxe_live: work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-work-")"working dir is %s", work_dir) disk_img = opts.fs_image or opts.disk_image or disk_img log.debug("disk image is %s", disk_img) result_dir = make_live_images(opts, work_dir, disk_img) if result_dir is None: log.error("Creating PXE live image failed.") raise RuntimeError("Creating PXE live image failed.") if opts.result_dir != opts.tmp and result_dir: copytree(result_dir, opts.result_dir, preserve=False) shutil.rmtree(result_dir) result_dir = None return (result_dir, disk_img)